Wednesday, February 19

3 Products to Help Boost Post-Workout Recovery & Healing


Whether you’re old or young, breaking into the professional game or a casual player, sports recovery is important. Not only can a solid recovery routine help prevent injury, but it can improve your longevity, make you feel better, and allow you to perform to your best ability on game day or in the gym.

Botthms Lite Massage Gun V1:


Botthms’ Lite Massage Gun v1 is a solid everyday-use version among their massage gun range. It features 4 different massage heads for varying levels of muscle treatment, and a 2600mAh battery, along with a 3,200 RPM capacity.

While it can take a bit of getting used to, having a go-to massage gun is ideal when relaxing on the couch and focusing on recovery after a tough gym session or sports match. It does come with a cost, but factoring in the amount of physio and massage sessions people spend money on, it’s well worth the price tag.

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Beurer MG 10 electric massage ball


A massage gun is no doubt an incredible addition to any athlete’s arsenal, but there are certain places that you just can’t reach using the handheld gun on your own — most notably, the shoulder-blade area, which is a huge problem-zone for many people. The Beurer MG 10 massage ball features a rubberised exterior with little nubs and takes 3 AAA batteries, giving it a vibration function. Laying on this ball and manoeuvring it into those tight and knotted areas, while tender, can be incredibly therapeutic.

Thankfully, it’s also super compact and can easily be thrown into any gym bag or pocket to take on the go.

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Wintergreen Magnesium Bath Soak


While many of us jump into the shower after a game of football, rugby, or a tough session at the gym, you may be better off enjoying a post-workout out bath instead. Relaxing in the bath after a tough sweat session gives you the chance to use some good recovery products, such as Wintergreen’s Magnesium Soak.

Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxer and rejuvenator and Magnesium Soak aims to release physical tension in the body and calm an anxious mind. A warm 20-minute bath sprinkled with a sachet of pure magnesium sulphate (AKA Epsom salts and magnesium chloride), will open the pores in the skin allowing for the best possible absorption, improving circulation, helping to ease stiffness and pain in the muscles while reducing inflammation in aching joints, and helping to detox the body from the effects of lactic acid build-up after an intense workout.

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