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31 products for "Auerbach"


Until now, almost all books on logical database design focused exclusively on relational design. However, modern database management systems have added powerful features that have driven a movement away from truly normalized
In 2005, the U.S. Government Accountability Office recommended that all agencies begin planning a coherent transition to IPv6. IPv6 will solve the problem of limited IP addresses and improve internetworking capabilities. This
Until now, it has been difficult to find the right source of information on LDAP and directory server implementations: books on the subject are overly product-specific, and a search on the Web
Organizations rely on digital information today more than ever before. Unfortunately, that information is equally sought after by criminals. New security standards and regulations are being implemented to deal with these threats,
The modern field of software metrics emerged from the computer modeling and "statistical thinking" services of the 1980s. As the field evolved, metrics programs were integrated with project management, and metrics grew
Today's enterprise cannot effectively function without a network, and today's enterprise network is almost always based on LAN technology. In a few short years, LANs have become an essential element of today's
The instant access that hackers have to the latest tools and techniques demands that companies become more aggressive in defending the security of their networks. Conducting a network vulnerability assessment, a self-induced
There are many books that detail tools and techniques of penetration testing, but none of these effectively communicate how the information gathered from tests should be analyzed and implemented. Until recently, there
The digital subscriber line (DSL) industry is expanding rapidly and a technology once thought to be only transitional will soon clear $100 billion in total annual service revenue. From the world's leading
This mug is insanely durable. It also holds a nice amount, 15 ounces, of that caffeine we all need to get through the day.
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