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The Molechaser is your most effective, humane, ecologically friendly and safest method to get rid of moles and keep moles out of your garden for good!Get rid of moles with
Ultra-Duet RepellerBrand new 2023 model now with Strobe Lights for more effect!Ultra-Duet Repeller emits multiple ultra-sonic waves from two different sound systems simultaneously to deter and keep pests away
Birds & animals effectedPigeons Starlings Muisvoel Seagulls Crows and othersMonkeys Squirrels Rabbits Deer Tom Cats etcApplication:Farms Gardens Lawns Pools Factories Vineyards Warehouses Barns Yachts Fish Ponds
Pest such as mice, rats, roaches, martens, spiders, insects will not be used to the undulatory signals emitted by DUAL POWER Ultrasonic Electronic Pest Repeller. Thanks to the battery operation feature, the
Electronic Bird Repeller with PIR, Ultrasonic and Flashing Strobes. Keeps pest birds out of your properties effective and humanely!Birds Affected Pigeons Starlings Sparrows Blackbirds Crows, other pest birds, etc Applications Gardens Yards Ponds to protect fish Any properties
Keep those unfriendly dogs away effectively and humanely!SUPER DOGCHASER creates a safe zone between the user and unfriendly dogs. It is also suitable for family, restaurants, shops to humanely expel
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