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174 products for "microsoft"


The Marquee Series prepares students to work with Microsoft Office 365 in a business setting or for personal use. Incorporating an accelerated, step-by-step, project-based approach, this program builds student compentency in the
The Marquee Series prepares students to work with Microsoft Office 365 in a business setting or for personal use. Incorporating an accelerated, step-by-step, project-based approach, this program builds student compentency in the
Benchmark Series: Microsoft Word Level 1 builds students' introductory skills in Word 2010, and helps develop critical thinking and decision-making skills. Case study assessments at chapter and unit levels test students' abilities
Get a head start on developing in C# with this first printed look at the complete C# language specification. This MSDN guide includes the essential features and basic concepts of the C#
Step-by-Step, Full-Color Graphics! Create great-looking presentation slides right away using Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007. Color screenshots and clear instructions show you how to use the new and improved capabilities featured in this
This book is written in a simple, easy to understand format, with lots of screenshots and step-by-step explanations. If you are a .NET developer looking forward to building access control in your
Microsoft Word's advanced search features are extremely powerful, but they're also virtually undocumented; most explanations of their use have been limited to a simple table of wildcards. This book explains in detail
Still working the hard way? Make your life easier with this compilation of articles from Editorium Update, a nitty-gritty electronic newsletter for publishing professionals. Here's the scoop on Microsoft Word's macros, styles,
Learn the details of the most highly recommended practices of software development using the latest version of Visual Studio 2015. Recommended practices are grouped by development phase and explained in far more
If you have Microsoft Office 2003 For Dummies and just useit to create documents and for e-mail, thats like having theultimate gourmet kitchen and only cooking frozen dinners or havinga 42 plasma
In an effort to maintain its competitive edge in the changing world of technology, major technology conglomerate; Microsoft Inc., has been relentless in the creation and manufacturing of innovative products. Since the
Healthcare offices are busy places and healthcare professionals are busy people. Between constantly ringing phones and patients coming in and out, who has time to learn about Microsoft Office? Our helpful, step-by-step
Author: Nita Rutkosky Series: Benchmark Student Series 2003 Paperback: 360 pages Publisher: Emc Pub; Pap/Cdr edition (December 2003) Language: English
Welcome to the era of software reuse! Microsoft Enterprise Library helps accelerate development by providing reusable components and guidance on proven practices. This guide helps you to quickly grasp what Enterprise Library
Learn development skills and improve productivity when programming in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 - the popular Enterprise Resourse Planning management system used across a variety of industries for business process management Key
Statistics with Microsoft Excel, Fifth Edition, shows readers how to use Microsoft Excel to perform statistical analysis. This step-by-step guide has been updated to cover the new features and
Teachers are busy and often do not have time to learn new software applications. Word processing, databases, and spreadsheets can improve work efficiency, expand the range of tasks performed, improve
*Includes tear-out QUICK REFERENCE guide with step-by-step instructions MICROSOFT WORD 2016 IN 90 PAGES guides you through the process of creating professional-looking documents. With step-by-step instructions, screenshots, and tables detailing
Introduce your students to the latest that Microsoft Office has to offer with the new generation of Shelly Cashman Series books! For the past three decades, the Shelly Cashman Series has effectively
Introduce your students to the latest that Microsoft Office has to offer with the new generation of Shelly Cashman Series books! For the past three decades, the Shelly Cashman Series has effectively
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