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Knowledge management has been widely applied to various industries as a good strategy to help improve firms performance. As globalisation accelerates and international trade increases more and more, maritime transport operations
The Oxford Handbook of Talent Management offers academic researchers, advanced postgraduate students, and reflective practitioners a state-of-the-art overview of the key themes, topics, and debates in talent management. The Handbook is designed
How do policy makers and managers square the circle of increasing demand and expectations for the delivery and quality of services against a backdrop of reduced public funding from government and philanthropists?
An Essential Knowledge Resource THE WORLD OF LEARNING AND PERFORMANCE has changed significantly since the first edition of First Things Fast was published more than a decade ago. This thoroughly revised
Ayub Shaikh is a renowned trainer, famous for having brought credibility, confidence and industry knowledge to over 5,000 IT recruitment consultants, HR professionals and resourcers through his training courses around the world.
There are many books available covering the Training Within Industry (TWI) programs, but few include any unique material on adaptation or modification This dearth of new has caused practitioners to alter
This scholarly book in SIOPs Organizational Frontier series looks at research on enhancing knowledge acquisition and its application in organizations. It concentrates on training, design and delivery given the changing nature of
While it is a given that most Lean companies adopt methods to standardize cyclical activities, they often fail to apply the same rigor to noncyclical work, believing that it cannot be measured.
With examples drawn from aerospace, electronics, household appliance, personal products, and automotive industries, Lean Assembly covers the engineering of assembly operations through:Characterizing the demand in terms of volume by product and
14% OFF
Unlike other strategic procurement guides, Lean Supply Chain Management considers an organization's "business condition" as a contributing factor in the development of a strategic procurement strategy. That is, rather than taking a
Critical realism has become increasingly important in the way organization and management is studied. This innovative book argues for an alternative to the prevailing ontology, and shows how positivism and its empirical
33% OFF
You may well be reading this at work. Look around you I am sure you will agree your workplace could be significantly better. Do you tolerate a mediocre, uninspiring and dysfunctional environment,
6% OFF
Completely revised and updated, A Guide to Human Factors and Ergonomics, Second Edition presents a comprehensive introduction to the field. Building on the foundation of the first edition, titled Guide to Ergonomics
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