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Aromatherapists often prefer Eucalyptus radiata oil is due to its aroma being milder when its used to treat sinus and respiratory conditions, especially for the treatment of young children or the elderly.
Evening Primrose oil is rich in essential fatty acids and omega oils, making it one of the best carrier oils to use as a base in skin healing blends. It is wonderful
Geranium essential oil is a mood-enhancing oil with a sweet musky rose scent that works wonders at reducing stress and anxiety.It can also help with a wide range of skin ailments and
Grapeseed oil is one of the most popular carrier oils in use in aromatherapy and oil is considered to be one of the most effective natural skin care oils available. It protects,
This 100% pure and unadulterated Lavender essential oil is anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial and acts as an astringent. Effective on minor skin irritations, mild acne and skin burns as its antiseptic properties help
Oregano, also known as Origanum, essential oil can loosen up the buildup of mucus and phlegm in your sinuses, soothe sore throats and relieve coughs. It can prevent and treat many symptoms
Escentia's organic Peppermint (Mentha piperita) pure essential oil improves circulation and blood flow to the skin, so it not only feels cooling, it actually does reduce the body's temperature. It also soothes
Escentia organic Rosemary pure essential oil has a very old and worthy reputation for improving memory and generally stimulating and clearing the mind. Feel like you left your brain on holiday? Use
Escentia Sweet Orange essential oil has the sweet, fruity aroma of a just peeled a fresh orange. It's cheerful, but has sensuous undertones. Good for lifting the spirits, it's used to create
Eucalyptus smithii essential oil is a must-have essential oil in the home. Eucalyptus has a medicinal but bright and fresh scent that is both calming and at the same time invigorating. It
Refined Castor oil is often added to lipsticks, glosses and other face care products because of its suitability for delicate facial skin. Sizes: 100ml, 500ml, 1L or 5L. USES & BENEFITS Rich in linoleic,
Escentia organic Grapefruit pure essential oil is highly recommended as a mood lifter. Grapefruit oil also promotes the healthy functioning of the lymphatic system, which is responsible for the removal of unwanted
Peppermint Pure Essential Oil improves circulation and blood flow to the skin, so it not only feels cooling, it actually does reduce the body's temperature. It also soothes the nerves and helps
Escentia Sweet Orange essential oil has the sweet, fruity aroma of a just peeled a fresh orange. It's cheerful, but has sensuous undertones. Good for lifting the spirits, it's used to create
Escentia Thyme (also known as red thyme) pure essential oil has a strong and powerful aroma that aids memory and concentration. It can also be a great spirit lifter and help relieve
There are so many wonderful ways to use Essentially Natural Apricot Oil. Use it on your hair as a deep conditioner after the shower or use it on your body as a
Umuthi Botanicals grape seed oil is light and easily absorbed by the skin which means it can be used as a moisturiser that's suitable for all skin types. As a massage oil
Beeswax is rich in a variety of vitamins such as Vitamin E, (which is rich in anti-oxidants). Beeswax also contains large quantities of Vitamin A, a substance crucial to cell development and
This organic Bergamot oil has a fresh (sweet and citrusy) aroma and is great for creating a more relaxed, confident and happy feeling. Bergamot essential oil is used to lift the spirits
Soil's organic Rose Geranium essential oil is useful in treating PMS and menopausal problems. It has a balancing effect on the skin and can be used on all skin types including oily
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