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X-Ray Lasers 1996 provides not only an overview and progress report on this fast moving field, but also important reference material on which future work can be built. Topics covered include collisional
An introduction to recent results of Japanese research and development in the fields of speech synthesis.
Through specific examples, case studies and essays, this collection of essays looks at theatre practices across Europe. From "Theatre du Soleil" to "SocA-etas Raffaello Sanzio", it reconsiders the possibilities of theatre practice,
Explores spoken interactions in the media, drawing on sources from the English speaking world including chat shows, radio phone-ins and political interviews with leaders such as Tony Blair and George W Bush.
Military affairs have been affected by major changes in the 19902. The bipolar world of two superpowers has gone. The Cold War and the global military confrontation that accompanied it have ended.
Presents an analysis of the key issues facing Chinese policy makers in their approach towards Taiwan. This book examines and explains the driving forces behind, the methods and the consequences of China
These proceedings of the 7th annual conference of the North American Serials Interest Group argue that it is time to prepare for the revolution and phenomenal growth in electronic technology. Chapters cover
Recognising the need for pedagogy that better serves American Indian Students, the authors construct a pedagogical model that blends native and non-native worldviews and methods.
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In November 2008, John Hattie's ground-breaking book Visible Learning synthesised the results of more than fifteen years research involving millions of students and represented the biggest ever collection of evidence-based research into
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For many, Africa is regarded as a place of mystery and negative images, where reports of natural disasters and civil strife dominate media attention, with relatively little publicity given to any of
The Confident Teacher offers a practical, step-by-step guide to developing the habits, characteristics and pedagogy that will enable you to do the best job possible. It unveils the tacit knowledge of great
It's time for a new kind of economy We're overusing the earth's finite resources, and yet excessive consumption is failing to improve our lives. In Enough Is Enough, Rob Dietz and Dan
The Economic Geography of the Tourist Industry explains tourism's definitions and examines whether or not tourism can be conceptualized as an industry.
Combines historical, political and practical approaches to the questions raised by the election victory. Includes much-needed analysis of the current state of the party and invaluable insight into the context of longer
An authoritative guide to the problems and procedures associated with data collection and analysis in field research.
A book to help you understand your own level of do-gooding and/or do-gooder potential, as well as understanding what your interests and skills are in order to direct them at a given
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