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Spirituality in the post-9/11 world is a complex topic. The detente between secular culture and religious faith that characterised the 20th century, the 'mutual ignorance pact,' has been shattered. From the rise
'The Seventh-day Men' was a title given by contemporaries in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries to an emerging body of Christians who observed Saturday, rather than Sunday, as the divinely appointed day
This is the definitive introduction to Henri de Lubac's spiritual interpretation of Scripture. Hollon addresses neglected aspects of de Lubac's theological renewal by examining the centrality and indispensability of spiritual exegesis in
The aim of historical Jesus research is to identify the authentic material from which the historical figure as a social type underneath the overlay is constructed. Pieter Craffert's anthropological historiography offers an
This book tracks the use of a single saying of Jesus over time and among theologically divergent authors and communities and identifies six different versions of the saying in the canonical gospels
Love, says the apostle Paul, 'does not rejoice over injustice, but rejoices in the truth' (1 Corinthians 13:6). The theological explorations undertaken here all deal in one way or another with the
This book sets out to change the starting point for theological conversation about the work of the Holy Spirit. Protestant theologians have associated the Spirit's work almost entirely with believers and/or the
Phoebe Palmer's honour was lost posthumously, for within a few decades after her death her name all but disappeared. Palmer's sanctification theology was separated from its apophatic spiritual moorings, even as her
This insightful study explores the significance of the interactions between Jesus and 'marginal' women recounted in the Gospel of Matthew. Employing social-scientific models and carefully using comparative data, Love examines the various
Onslaught Against Innocence explores the anthropological, theological, and psychological dimensions of this universal myth and shows the readers such a vivid and intense story that one feels we will never get to
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