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Recent technical innovations and significant cost reductions have sharply increased the potential for using Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) technology in municipal wastewater treatment. MBR technology displays several advantages compared to the traditional activated
Pond treatment technology is used in tens of thousands of applications serving many millions of people across the globe - why? Simply because it is efficient and effective. While pond treatment technology
Principles of Water and Wastewater Treatment Processes is the second book in the Water and Wastewater Process Technologies Series . The book outlines the principle unit operations that are involved in the
This comprehensive reference, dealing with municipal wastewater management in developing countries, is prepared by leading international authorities, and will provide an invaluable reference for all those concerned with the management of sanitation
Water meters are the cornerstone of commercial systems for water utilities throughout the world; revenue is directly derived from the, figures provided by meters. Despite this, little attention has been paid, in
Water and Wastewater companies operating all around the world have faced rising asset management and replacement costs, often to levels that are financially unsustainable. Management of investment needs, while meeting regulatory and
This book, published in collaboration with ERSAR, presents a unique account of governance and regulatory methods used by different countries, states and municipalities that will help regulators and governments all over the
This report is the culmination of a study begun by the Water Environment Research Foundation in 1998 to address research gaps related to monitoring and regulating cyanide in municipal wastewater and receiving
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