Price history of colgate?

Here are the recent price histories for some popular Colgate toothpastes: The Colgate Maxfresh Cool Mint 75ml toothpaste is currently available for R51.99. Over the last 6 months, the price has fluctuated between R49-R55. The Colgate Total 12 Deep Clean Charcoal Whitening 75ml toothpaste has held steady at around R52.99 for the past year. The 150ml tube of Colgate Total Clean Mint toothpaste is a bit more at R94.95 currently, but it provides over twice as much product as the 75ml tubes. The price on the 150ml size has remained stable in the R90-R100 range. Hope this gives you a good idea of some options and price trends to consider for your Colgate toothpaste needs! Let me know if you need any other details.

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Specifically developed for children with milk teeth (aged 0 to 2), Colgate Kids toothpaste 50ml delivers clinically proven cavity and enamel protection and extra gentle cleaning with strawberry taste. Designed to make
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