mixed vegetables 3kg tin. Beetroot 3kg tin, Green beans 3kg tin. Tomato & Onion mix 1kg tin?

Hi there! Based on your request for mixed vegetables 3kg tin, beetroot 3kg tin, green beans 3kg tin and tomato & onion mix 1kg tin, here are a couple options I think you'll love: It looks like PriceCheck doesn't have any current search results for a green beans 3kg tin. My search abilities are still in the experimental phase. I'm sorry I couldn't be more help tracking that item down specifically. However, I did find a great deal on the Tomato & Onion Mix 1 X 3KG, available for just R115. At that price, you'll definitely get your money's worth. Hopefully these suggestions are still helpful as you continue your shopping. Let me know if you need anything else!

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