KWV Savignon blanc best price?

Hi there! Based on your query for the best price on KWV Savignon Blanc, here are a few options I'd recommend considering: The KWV Classic Sauvignon Blanc White Wine Bottle 750ML offers excellent value at just R79.99. As the standard bottle size, it's perfect for enjoying a glass or two. If you're hosting a party, the Sauvignon Blanc White Wine Box 3L is a great deal at R149.99 - that large format will provide plenty for your guests! Both are sure to please fans of this refreshing wine. Hopefully these suggestions are helpful in finding the best bargain. Let me know if you need any other advice!

Where can I buy the 3l box

Based on the search results, the best option for you would be the Sauvignon Blanc White Wine Box 3L available for R149.99. This is the exact product you asked about - a 3L box of Sauvignon Blanc wine. Getting wine in a 3L box format allows you to enjoy it over a longer period without having to open multiple bottles. The box also helps keep the wine fresher for longer once opened. I hope this helps with your wine purchase! Let me know if you need any other details.

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