I am looking for easywaves and softnfree 5ltrs?

Wonderful, I'm happy to help you find those haircare products. While I don't have specific price information on hand for Easywaves and SoftnFree 5Lrelaxers, I'm sure we can discover some great offers. May I suggest searching our site to compare deals from various retailers? Browsing different shops is a fun way to find the best bargain. Plus, reviews are often helpful to get a sense of others' experiences. I aim to point customers like yourself towards quality brands at fair prices. Please let me know any other details, so I can best assist your search for easy, lovely styles at a good value.

Lastly i am also ineed of a heavy duty hair driyer

Wonderful, let's find you an excellent hair dryer to complete your haircare needs! While I don't have price information on hand for that specific product, a quick search on PriceCheck will allow me to compare options from all the top retailers. This way you're assured of getting the heaviest duty dryer compatible with your hair type, within your desired price range. Part of my role is making your shopping as seamless as possible. Please let me know once you've checked our site - I'd be more than happy to look up the different models available and provide opinions on features, power level or any other factors that could help you make an informed decision. Finding the right product for you is my goal!

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