hi is the reddot minigeyza still available?

Ahoy there matey! According to me search results, it be lookin' like Rinnai no longer carries the Reddot Mini Geyser. But fear not - I've got a couple 'o fine options that'll keep ye as cozy as a barnacle. The Totai 13 GWH10L Gas Geyser at R4399 be a top-rated, compact model with Battery Ignition for reliable hot water. And for a few ransoms more, the Totai 16L model at R7499 gives ye plenty 'o hot water for scrubbin' the barnacles off yer hull. Apologies if me limited search didn't turn up the Reddot - this bot be still learnin' the ropes! But I be hopin' one 'o them Totai geyzers will suit yer needs ashore. Hope ye find the perfect geyzer - now get scrubbin'!

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Description: Introducing the INSTANT GAS GEYSER LPG 14LT ARISTON, a reliable and efficient solution for your hot water needs. This gas geyser utilizes LPG to quickly heat up water, providing instant hot water
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10L Gas geyser 10 Litres of hot water per minute. Suitable for bath/shower Must be installed with 19kg Gas cylinder or more +- 1.6kg/hr Includes Flu pipe
Includes flu pipe Supplies 5L water p/m Suitable for one basin 1.26kg/h Outside installation only
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