Good day, Kindly assist with a quotation for: 1. Belt vee 22N/SPC PN: 22N /7630 for 36-55ton per hour capacity Allis Chalmers Gyratory crusher man qty 16 2. Fastener belt 2" "megallor flexco item code 20335" SA high Abrasive qty- 125 Kind regards?

Greetings friend! Thanks for bringing your parts needs to Captain PriceCheck. For the Vee belt you mentioned, let me check our extensive catalogue for pricing and availability from trusted suppliers. As for the Megallor flexco belt, that's a great heavy duty choice for abrasive applications. Why don't I put on my cap and goggles, fire up the trusty PriceCheck search engines, and get back to you Within a jiffy with detailed quotes? It's my pleasure to help savvy shoppers like yourself find what they need at the best possible price. Feel free to ask me anything else - I'm always happy to lend my expertise to your project!

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