KWV 5 Year Old Brandy 750ML

This is a brandy made from double distilled spirits that has been aged for at least five years in small French oak barrels. The brandy has a rich, smooth flavor with adelicate fruity character. It is also color bright golden and has a aroma of ripe apple, pear and raisin flavors enhanced with rich, toasted oak and spicy aromas. The taste is full-bodied with a lingering, mellow, fruity aftertaste. more details
Key Features:
  • Brandy made from double distilled spirits
  • Aged for at least five years in small French oak barrels
  • Rich, smooth flavor with adelicate fruity character

R209.00 at 3 Shops

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Current Price: R209.00

Manufacturer KWV
This is a brandy made from double distilled spirits that has been aged for at least five years in small French oak barrels. The brandy has a rich, smooth flavor with adelicate fruity character. It is also color bright golden and has a aroma of ripe apple, pear and raisin flavors enhanced with rich, toasted oak and spicy aromas. The taste is full-bodied with a lingering, mellow, fruity aftertaste.

DescriptionKWV FIVE is our celebration of versatility. Double distilled, the Potstill content is matured for at least 5 years in small French Oak barrels, this quality brandy is shaped and crafted by our experienced Brandy Master. Through superior blending, we are able to achieve a rich, smooth brandy with adelicate fruity character.
ColourBright golden.
AromaRipe apple, pear and raisin flavours enhanced with rich, toasted oak, and spicy aromas.
TasteFull-bodied with a lingering, mellow, fruity aftertaste.What's in the box

KWV - 5 Year Old Brandy - 750ml
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