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This accessible treatment offers the mathematical tools for describing and solving problems related to stochastic vector fields. Advanced undergraduates and graduate students will find its use of generalized functions a relatively simple
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A highly engaging study of mirages, illusions of multiple moons, the fata morgana, colored shadows and scores of other phenomena in a book praised as "a great depository of projects, science fair
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Of equal value to students and experts, this self-contained, systematic introduction features formal derivations of the quantized field matrix elements for numerous laser-molecule interaction effects: one- and two-photon absorption and emission, Rayleigh
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What does quantum mechanics tell us about the key model physical systems of nature? The author of this highly regarded text explores this question in a conceptual manner, fusing mathematical and philosophical
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Prawitz's theories form the basis of intuitionistic type theory, and his inversion principle constitutes the foundation of most modern accounts of proof-theoretic semantics. The proof-theoretical system represents a simpler and more illuminating
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