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The government-sanctioned killing of student protesters in Mexico City on October 2, 1968, continues to haunt the city and the nation. Elaine Carey's Plaza of Sacrifices is the first English-language book-length study
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A guide to the indigenous cultures of North America discussing the languages, social customs, religion, health, arts, and lifestyles of Native Americans.
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Here is the American adventure. This extraordinary volume captures a magnificent nation's spirit and the fortitude of those who helped to make it so. Drawn from remarkable firsthand accounts and historical writings,
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From the bestselling author of A People's History of the United States comes this selection of passionate, honest, and piercing essays looking at American political ideology. Howard Zinn brings
Reviled as an imperialist power, an exporter of destructive capitalism, an arrogant crusader against Islam, and a rapacious over-consumer casually destroying the planet, it seems that the United States of America has
The fully revised second edition takes account of historical work produced during the last decade. It covers the period between Louis XIV's death in 1715 and the outbreak of the French Revolution
This volume contains a series of essays which evaluate the impact of humanism on the various countries of Western Europe, including Italy, France, Germany and England. Contributors also examine the relationship between
This book offers a multidisciplinary approach to the medina, the traditional walled Arab city of North Africa. The medina becomes a concrete case study for comparative explorations of general questions about the
This volume offers a dispassionate strategic examination of the Vietnam conflict that challenges the conventional wisdom that South Vietnam could not survive as an independent non-communist entity over the long term regardless
During the Vietnam War, the United States embarked on an unusual crusade on behalf of the government of South Vietnam. Known as the pacification program, it sought to help South Vietnam's government

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