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Former page three model tells her remarkable story of transformation and rescue from a life tainted by broken relationships and Class A drugs. Page three model, promiscuous heroin addict. Loving mother,
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A granddaughter is a precious gift of love and pure happiness all wrapped up in one beautiful spirit. She is the light of your life, and you want her to know she's
Una parabola unica y moderna sobre la sabiduria y la riqueza. Su optimismo y su mensaje de esperanza te guiaran en el transcurso de toda tu vida.
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From award-winning science journalist Linda Geddes, a fascinating and practical companion for expectant parents that makes sense of conflicting advice about pregnancy, birth, and raising babies.Can I eat peanuts during pregnancy? Do
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Do you like to use only the best, chemical-free, hand-made holistic potions? Do you have sensitive skin and need very pure beauty products? Do you want to
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How parents, teachers, and even professionals are being deceived by the "ADHD Establishment" regarding ADHD and other childhood behavior disorders and the drugs used to treat them. The issue of diagnosing children
There are common midlife events that account for the special narcissistic vulnerabilities of this period of life, and Eda Goldstein ably reviews these events and the theoretical perspectives commonly brought to bear
Headache and migraine affect more than 10 million people in the UK, two thirds of whom are women. They are one of the most common problems seen in doctors' surgeries and emergency
If you have cancer, eating well is one of the most important contributions you can make towards your own treatment. This book helps put the flavour back into food when eating may
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is thought to affect up to one million people in the UK, and an estimated three million in the USA. Listed among the top 10 most debilitating illnesses
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Whether it's a sister who chews her food too loudly or a spouse who won't open up about his feelings, we all have those little irritations that threaten to damage our important
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Covering the most troublesome aspects of parenthood, this book is full of real, sensible, down-to-earth guidance.It restores you confidence in yourself so you don't feel undermined by all the self-proclaimed experts and
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Romy Fraser and the staff of Neal's Yard Remedies share their closely guarded secrets and give away many special recipes for natural skin and hair care preparations that can be made at
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Marriage expert Joe Beam shares a four-step, fail-proof process for falling in love, staying in love, and renewing lost love.The Book of Love This is a book about lovehow to fall in
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A complete guide to Parkinson's from two people with the disease who cofounded a national support and advocacy organization.In Living Well with Parkinson's Disease, Gretchen Garie and Michael J. Church, a couple
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Write a Letter to Your Child Each Year. A keepsake book of moments, memories, and messages of love, written in your own words. Inside you'll find prompts, questions, and space to write
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"During the summer before he went to college, he was obnoxious; he said, 'There's a reason I'm acting this way; it will make it easier for you to have me leave.'""When

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