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This text clarifies and consolidates existing knowledge about the development of the Treasury's role in public policy making. The book focuses on three main areas: the development of the Treasury from earliest
At the end of the current millennium the best description of Europe's relations with the developing countries of the South is: all change. Since 1957 the European Community has operated special policies
A survey of criminal acquisition, possession, and use of guns. It provides information for those interested in learning about weapon behavior and ownership in America. Armed and Considered Dangerous is a book
Consumer Capitalism departs from the standard economic approach which fails to take into account ontological and psychological substratum of behaviour, thus ignoring the accountability of consumers, concealing the nature of their motive,
Budgeting for Local Governments and Communities is designed as the primary textbook for a quarter or semester-long course in public budgeting and finance in an MPA programme. Many currently available texts for
Starting from the principal-agent perspective, this book offers a new analysis of government. It interprets political institutions as devices designed to solve the omnipresent principal-agent game in politics. In other words how
A unique examination of why the quest for global free trade often forgets that trade liberalization is organized regionally rather than multilaterally. There are now more than 250 regional integration initiatives and
This book examines gender, state and social power in Indonesia, focusing in particular on state regulation of divorce from 1965 to 2005 and its impact on women. Indonesia experienced high divorce rates
The death penalty is a highly emotive subject which leaves few people unaffected and has been written about extensively. However, in spite of this, there has been no even-handed and comprehensive theory
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