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On July 17, 1918, the Tsar, his wife, and their four daughters and ailing heir were led down to a basement in Ekaterinburg, Russia, and murdered in cold blood by a Bolshevik
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A compendium of fascinating information about Devon past and present, this book contains a plethora of entertaining facts about the county's famous and occasionally infamous men and women, its towns and countryside,
The history of New York City is written in its streets; uncover it with Chronicles of Old New York from Museyon Guides. Discover four hundred years of innovation through the true stories
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From Ponce de Leon's discovery of the Land of Flowers in 1513 to the suspense of the 2000 presidential election, It Happened in Florida takes readers on a
Charles II's succession to the throne came at a time of national turbulence: his father had been beheaded, Oliver Cromwell had usurped his right to reign. England was at sea among Europe's
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Of the nearly 15,000 Allied paratroopers dropped into France on D14 (two weeks before DDay), only one regimentthe 3,000 men of the 505 Parachute Infantryhad been tested in battle, and so they
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'Midsomer Murders' is instantly recognisable for its attractive backdrop at the heart of rural England. The real towns are situated in the Chilterns, the Thames Valley, and the Vale of Aylesbury. This
In this lively and accessible account, with illustrations on nearly every page, Michael Loewe gives us a vivid picture of the lives of peasants working the land, the lives of town inhabitants,
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A true-life murder mystery of two British airmen in Bostwana-and the extraordinary trial that followed that changed the lives of an entire peopleOn October 4 1943 two RAF pupil pilots Walter Adamson
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The history of Alaska is filled with stories of new land and new riches -- and ever present are new people with competing views over how the valuable resources should be used:
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Birthright Citizens tells how African American activists radically transformed the terms of citizenship for all Americans. Before the Civil War, colonization schemes and black laws threatened to deport former slaves born in

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