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Non-NHS work can add substantially to practice income. Describing a range of fee-paying work which GPs are uniquely qualified to undertake, this guide shows how opportunities for this work arise and how
This book helps general practitioners, health visitors and other professionals working in primary care to assess, manage and refer children and adolescents with mental health problems. School medical officers, social workers and
COMMUNICATION SKILLS THAT HEAL addresses the concerns of both patients and medical professionals regarding communication under time constraints. It challenges current communication concepts in healthcare and weaves together anecdotes, theory, principles and
Even in today's technology driven healthcare world, as much as 85% of a medical diagnosis is dependent on the doctor's ability to listen to, and communicate with, the patient. Moreover, in the
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A guide to general practitioner premises, this text offers specialist advice on what GPs and practice managers need to consider when renting or purchasing a property. It contains contributions from a range
This work features a Foreword by David Taylor, Vice Dean, Leicester Medical School. "This book is the first to assist students with a new format of testing knowledge and clinical skills, i.e.,
Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) are commonly encountered at all levels of medical school including the final MBBS examination. OSCEs also play an important role at postgraduate level and are used to
The development of primary health care is in its infancy in most countries of the Asia-Pacific region even though most patients receiving hospital care could be treated as effectively in the community.
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This text sets out to demonstrate that with careful planning, implementation and evaluation of the shift of services from acute hospitals to primary care, problems can be avoided and the quality of
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This report by the Dutch Working Party on Child Health Care surveys the contents and frequency of child-health surveillance programmes, procedures for quality control and improvement, possibilities for parental involvement, and the
Written for non-practitioners interested in public health and as an introduction for those starting a career in public health medicine, this text uses case studies to demonstrate the practical application of public
Private medical practice is an attractive option for career development. In the United Kingdom it forms a significant industry, yet little has been done to assist medical consultants in managing their businesses.
The concept of managed care evolved in the USA as a way of containing costs and promoting quality in health care. Some vital lessons can be learned from this experience, and many
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A review of the traditional ways of nurses working and looks to future working practices with other members of the primary care team. It also seeks to clarify the confusion about developing
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