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14 products for "transformers"


Perhaps no-one in the 20th century had a greater long-term impact on world history than Deng Xiaoping. This title provides a biography of his life. The book also explores the transformation of
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Value stream mapping - an essential but underused methodology - is a proven approach to help you visualize and resolve disconnects, redundancies, and gaps in your value delivery system. In this detailed
Voc* est* pronto para usar seus talentos, enriquecer com qualidade de vida e viver do jeito que voc* tanto deseja? Este guia completo explica e aborda de maneira pr*tica o que *
Estamos vivendo um momento da hist*ria da humanidade, onde h* a necessidade vital da conex*o com o momento presente. O ser humano responde melhor em todas as *reas de sua vida se
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