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With a focus on strategy and implementation, James Chang discusses business management practices and the technology that enables them. He analyzes the history of process management practices and demonstrates that BPM practices
Business Processes are one of the critical drivers for any organisation in realizing their organizational strategic objectives. This means that management must constantly review and realign organizational processes to reflect the massively
Teaches basic and advanced modeling and simulation techniques to both undergraduate and postgraduate students and serves as a practical guide and manual for professionals learning how to build simulation models using WITNESS,
Organization takes place in a tangled world, intermeshed by changing markets, products, standards, technologies, institutions and social groups. Coming to grips with the complexity and fluidity of organization and management is a
Organization takes place in a tangled world, intermeshed by changing markets, products, standards, technologies, institutions and social groups. Coming to grips with the complexity and fluidity of organization and management is a
This book presents a novel and comprehensive process theory of organization applicable to "a world on the move," where connectedness prevails over size, flow prevails over stability, and temporality prevails over spatiality.
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