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This selection of critical essays offers guidance and stimulation to readers, representing some of the best accounts of the novel to have been published during the past twenty years. An introduction
Noted Asian Americanist Sau-ling C. Wong presents a thought-provoking overview of critical issues surrounding Kingson's 'contemporary classic', such as reception by various interpretive communities, canon formation, cultural authenticity, fictionality in autobiography, and
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The Blackwell Companion to Greek Tragedy provides readers with a fundamental grounding in Greek tragedy, and also introduces them to the various methodologies and the lively critical dialogue that characterize the study
This collection covers the whole range of Irish drama from the late nineteenth-century melodramas to contemporary Dublin theatre festivals.
Dennis Low's reevaluation of the Lake Poets as mentors begins with the controversial premise that Robert Southey was one of the nineteenthcentury's greatest champions of women's writing. Together with Wordsworth and Coleridge,
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