Hello there! It sounds like you're having some trouble with your Polestar decoder and the extra channels like eMovies not working. This could be due to various reasons, such as signal issues, the need for a software update, or incorrect settings in your decoder. Make sure your antenna is correctly positioned and has a strong signal. Additionally, check if there’s a firmware update available for your decoder, as this can sometimes resolve channel issues. If everything seems fine and it's still not working, reaching out to the Polestar support team may help you troubleshoot further. If you're looking for a compatible media device to enhance your viewing experience, consider the Roku Express 4K+ for R895 or the XiaoMmi Mi TV Stick for R949. These devices can provide access to more content and streaming options. Hope that helps!
To fix the issues with the extra channels on your Polestar decoder, I recommend first checking the antenna position for stronger signal reception, as poor signal can cause channel issues. If that doesn't resolve the problem, look for firmware updates for your decoder, as the software may need an upgrade for optimal performance. If the problem still persists, don't hesitate to reach out to Polestar support for further assistance. Additionally, enhancing your viewing experience with a media device like the Roku Express 4K+ for R895 or the XiaoMmi Mi TV Stick for R949 can provide you with more options and improve overall functionality.