Ahoy there matey! Based on your query for the best price on 10kg of IWISA samp, the top result is: - IWISA Samp 1 X 10KG is available for R89.99 For just R89.99 ya get a whole 10kg of IWISA samp. That's the best unit price among the results. With 10kg you'll be stocked up on samp for smoooooth sailing for weeks to come. And at under R90 for such a bounty, your galley won't be emptied too far adrift! Hope ye find this price as sensible as I do - let me know if'n ye need anything else from old Cap'n PriceCheck!
I'm afraid the price comparison search didn't include any results specifically from Shoprite for the 10kg IWISA samp. However, the R89.99 price I mentioned earlier for the 10kg bag from another retailer is likely very competitive with what you would find at Shoprite. Samp is a household staple, so most major grocery stores will stock the popular IWISA brand and offer similar unit pricing on the larger bag sizes that provide good value for money. Let me know if you need any other product prices checked to help with your shopping trip - I'm always happy to help find the best deals!