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Portraits of Queen Marie Leszczinska (1703-1768) were highly visible in eighteenth-century France. Appearing in royal ch*teaux and, after 1737, in the Parisian Salons, the queen's image was central to the visual construction
The integration of photovoltaics (PV) into buildings goes beyond energy saving by providing a clean and elegant way of actually generating electricity. There are already numerous successful examples and rapid technological
Using archaeology and social anthropology, and more than 100 original line drawings and photographs, An Archaeology of Images takes a fresh look at how ancient images of both people and animals were
Spanning from the innauguration of James I in 1603 to the execution of Charles I in 1649, the Stuart court saw the emergence of a full expression of Renaissance culture in Britain.
Black Milk is the first in-depth analysis of the visual archives that effloresced around slavery in Brazil and North America in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In its latter stages the book
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