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56 products in Poetry


Though Horace is a great poet, much loved and imitated in the past, he is very little read today. This is partly because he has never been translated into readable English
Poet and playwright Sir Fulke Greville (1554-1628) was a great favorite at the court of Queen Elizabeth I. This volume includes A Dedication to Sir Philip Sidney--written about his close friend and
For critics like John Ruskin and Walter Pater, Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1892) was one of the great creative figures of the day, a painter and a poet of major stature. Yeats and
This collection presents 164 brief Bengali lyric poems dedicated to the Hindu goddesses Kali and Uma by thirty-seven representative poets. These poems--many of which are presented here for the first time in
The poems of noted African-American poet Effie Waller Smith were popular in magazines and in book form. Collected in this volume, they provide insight into the life and experience of this admired
Although readers of modern literature have always known about the collaboration of W.B. Yeats and Ezra Pound, the crucial winters these poets spent living together in Stone Cottage in Sussex (1913-1916) have
* There is no similar student commentary on this book of the Odes Horace is a great poet, much loved and imitated in the past, and in recent years much better understood
The Milan Papyrus ( P. Mil. Volg. VIII. 309), containing a collection of epigrams apparently all by Posidippus of Pella, provides one of the most exciting new additions to the corpus of

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