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This book sums up the mechanistic basis, current status, and future prospects of steroid inhalation as the cornerstone of prophylactic asthma therapy, identifying its kinetic basis-especially the essential airway selectivity-and including a
While an ever-present and familiar toxin, carbon monoxide (CO) remains the number one poison in our environment. This silent killer is responsible for over 2,000 deaths a year in the United States
To facilitate the development of novel drug delivery systems and biotechnology-oriented drugs, the need for new excipients to be developed and approved continues to increase. Excipient Development for Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, and Drug
Promising research results show how electric pulses implanted deep in the brain can affect neurocircuitry and help stop oncoming seizures. Hans Lders and his team of contributors have summarized all the available
Drowning-the third leading cause of accidental death in the U.S.-can be prevented with proper education and intervention. The Science of Drowning: Perspectives on Intervention and Prevention offers a significant departure from how
Written by experienced authorities in process validation, Process Validation in Manufacturing of Biopharmaceuticals explores current trends in the field and strategies for the selection of the most appropriate quality control scheme. It
With a greater emphasis on the basic principles, practical recommendations, and economics of phototherapy, the Third Edition remains the standard source on the UV treatment of skin disease-presenting an expanded number of
Selecting illustrative examples from the recent literature, this reference studies the underlying principles and physics of a wide range of spectroscopic techniques utilized in the pharmaceutical sciences and demonstrates various applications for
In these modern times, it has become evident that the successful practice of reproductive medicine requires the coordinated efforts of many medical professionals, including the andrologist, endocrinologist, urologist, and the gynecologist. In
When a pharmaceutical company decides to build a Quality System, it has to face the fact that there aren't any guideline that define exactly how such a system has to be built.
The pharmaceutical applications of powder technology have long been recognized. Yet while many books focus on aspects of powder formation and behavior, there has been no text that explores the power of
The two pioneers in the cosmetic use of botulinum toxins (such as BOTOX) have here produced an easy-to-read highly illustrated guide for those wishing to know about the practical clinical aspects of
Living donor kidney (LDK) transplantation has become the definitive approach to the treatment of end-stage renal failure, providing a better quality of life and the best opportunity for survival when compared with
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