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China's provinces are all considerable social, economic and political systems in their own right, and most are the size and scale of a European country in population, land area and social complexity
China's provinces are all considerable social, economic and political systems in their own right, and most are the size and scale of a European country in population, land area and social complexity
This is the third volume in a series examining the political importance of China's provinces under reform. The present book provides a survey of provinces as echelons of the peoples Republic of
The Political Economy of China's Provinces is the first book to use the concept of competitive advantage in the context of Chinese provincial studies. On the basis of seven case studies, it
First published in 1847, this is an important description of what were then little-known parts of China by the botanist Robert Fortune (1812-80). Son of a hedger, Fortune rose to be one
The mass protests that erupted in China during the spring of 1989 were not confined to Beijing and Shanghai. Cities and towns across the great breadth of China were engulfed by demonstrations,
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