Search Results: Remember When (315)


Online shopping – a guide for newbies


Last minute Christmas shopping…chaotic, expensive, and stressful! Too much to remember, never ending lists of gifts to buy and the prices, THE PRICES! I am tired just thinking about it. Online shopping on the other hand, gives you the ability to research your potential purchases for the best deals, saving you money and time! Retail therapy at its best.


Robyn Hobson


Robyn Hobson – She’s an actress/voice-over artist/model/blogger … one of those ! She tweets too much, speaks 4 languages and has a fondness for coconut ice, 90’s music videos and Eddie Izzard.

Chosen Charity – The Children’s Hospital Trust


The Social Network


I was already skeptical as I had read that Dustin Moskovitz stated that he would prefer to remember his college days the way they were portrayed in the movie (drinking himself silly and sleeping around with coeds) instead of the boring reality (years of coding and working). So which scenes were based on fact and which ones were there to glam up what Zuckerberg himself has said is in essence a rather boring story?

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