Search Results: Friends Of Ed (334)


Win a decadent festive season hamper


Today we make it even easier for you to find a great Christmas gift for someone special. Thanks to our lovely sponsor ( we are giving away this decadent Christmas hamper. It is full of yummy goodies such as All Butter Shortbread, macadamia nut brittle, ultra-cheesy cheese straws, delicious mince pies, Belgian truffles, caramel-filled chocolate stars and a large chocolate Santa (valued at R400.00 including delivery).


Andrew ‘Tank’ Lanning


Andrew Lanning – Former Western Province prop, Editor and Publisher of Sport24 and author of the Front Row Grunt blog

Chosen Charity – Bobs for Good who provide school shoes for those that cannot afford them.


Robyn Hobson


Robyn Hobson – She’s an actress/voice-over artist/model/blogger … one of those ! She tweets too much, speaks 4 languages and has a fondness for coconut ice, 90’s music videos and Eddie Izzard.

Chosen Charity – The Children’s Hospital Trust

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